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ノイズキャンセル機能はWonfson Microelectronicsとの共同開発によるもの。左右に計10個搭載されたマイクのうち8つを使ったフィードフォワード式を採用しており、BH-905は(定義はよく分からないものの) この方式を採用した世界初の製品。Bluetoothでは通話とステレオ音楽転送に対応するほか、曲送りや一時停止などのリモコンボタンもヘッドホン側に搭載します。音質とノイズキャンセルにはかなり自信があるらしく、価格もそれなりの285ユーロ / 約3万8000円。ヘッドホン部分の性能諸元はリンク先のpdfチラシで見られます。グローバル市場向けに今年8月より販売予定。
Nokiaから「史上最高」ノイズキャンセル ヘッドセット、Bluetooth&有線両対応



The Palm Pre. It's not just a phone, it's a myth, an idea, possibly a legacy... and a really, really long time coming. It's almost impossible to believe, but the crew at Engadget has been talking about a Linux-based Palm phone since way back in 2004. Through the now-distant years that followed, we were speculating, pontificating, and wishfully-thinking about a new device from a company that we'd come to expect innovation from. But we waited. And waited. And waited. We waited so long, in fact, that we actually penned a lengthy open letter to Palm, pleading for the company to get back on its game. Only when the picture looked really, truly bleak for the folks in Sunnyvale (you know, like $2 a share bleak) did we actually see a spark of hope -- two sparks, in fact -- called the Pre and webOS.
Engadget for Mobile


The Palm Pre. It's not just a phone, it's a myth, an idea, possibly a legacy... and a really, really long time coming. It's almost impossible to believe, but the crew at Engadget has been talking about a Linux-based Palm phone since way back in 2004. Through the now-distant years that followed, we were speculating, pontificating, and wishfully-thinking about a new device from a company that we'd come to expect innovation from. But we waited. And waited. And waited. We waited so long, in fact, that we actually penned a lengthy open letter to Palm, pleading for the company to get back on its game. Only when the picture looked really, truly bleak for the folks in Sunnyvale (you know, like $2 a share bleak) did we actually see a spark of hope -- two sparks, in fact -- called the Pre and webOS.
Engadget for Mobile
